Nutritional Information
The foods we eat can provide us with the basic vitamins and minerals, essential for a healthy body. The following is a list of vitamins and their sources. Underlined are the products that The Nut Man can offer.
Vitamin A
Helps maintain healthy eyes, skin, hair, mucous,membranes.
Sources- Fish liver oils, kidney, beta carotene as in dark green leafy vegetables, and yellow/orange fruits and vegetables
Vitamin B2
Helps maintain normal health of the eyes, skin, nails and hair.
Sources- Avocado, milk and dairy products, organ meats, yeast.
Vitamin B6
Sources- Brewer’s Yeast, oatmeal, offal, legumes, egg yolk.
Sources- Citrus fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes.
Vitamin E
Sources- Beef, corn, almonds, egg yolk, nuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ.
Sources- Oysters, egg yolk, peanuts, grape juice, cheese, wheat, yeast.
Sources- Almonds, cashews, soya beans, parsnips, whole grain cereals, Brewer’s Yeast.
Sources- All vegetables, citrus fruit, apricots, banana, potato, nuts, sardines, avocado.
Helps maintain the normal function of male glands including the prostate.
Sources- Oysters, herring, beef, liver, sunflower and pumpkin seeds(pepitas), milk, ginger.
Vitamin B1
Sources- Whole rains, wheat germ, nuts, liver, legumes
Vitamin B5
Sources- almonds, salmon, chicken, sardines, peanuts, eggs.
Vitamin B12
Sources- Liver, kidney, brain, meat, egg yolk, synthesised by ‘friendly’ internal bacteria.
Choline Bitartrate
Sources- Grains, legumes, egg yolks, whole grains, liver, soy.
Vitamin C
Sources- Citrus fruit, peppers, raw cabbage, pineapple, potatoes, parsley, rose hips.
Women need more calcium when lactating and to prevent osteoporosis.
Sources- Dairy products, almonds, sardines, egg yolk, soya beans, molasses.
Important for women during menstruations
Sources- Liver, oysters, kelp, pumpkin seeds(pepitas), molasses, beef.
Sources- Sunflower seeds, coconuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds, corn, olives.
Sources- Horsetail plant, oats, whole grain cereals, barley, root vegetables.